Why Your Ears Don’t Have Lids Like Your Mouth and Eyes

Let’s try to understand and answer this weird question.

Today’s article will be a little bit philosophical. I am trying to understand life in its most natural way.

Why did this idea pop up?

Have you ever tried meditation?

You then leave it in the middle of a thought process; meditation is nothing but a waste of time and money.

I have been in that situation many times.

I finally observed the benefits of sticking to it for 30+ days by doing merely 10 minutes a day.

I have been meditating for more than two years, sitting in the morning and doing nothing for 10–15 minutes each morning.

Recently, I listened to a podcast in which Tim interviewed Naval Ravikant, an entrepreneur and investor.


Why you should meditate? Do you practice meditation?



I do nothing, absolutely nothing, but sit for 60 minutes straight.

After listening to his podcast, I am following Naval’s meditation method.

If you know me, you know I am a practical guy who believes in experimental stuff.

I like philosophy, which helps me think in a different direction, but my mind always finds a way to connect that thought process with an experiment.

I guess that’s how my brain is wired.

I have done many 30-day challenges in the past, and trust me, I failed more than I accomplished, especially in the beginning when I was trying to incorporate this 30-day habit to practice anything new and then share it with the readers.

Back to the topic!

For the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to sit in silence first thing in the morning.

Sit for 60 minutes

Sit for 60 minutes and nothing; when I say nothing, I mean absolutely nothing.

No TV (I am glad I don’t watch TV; it never intrigues me)

No book

No cell phone

No magazine

No journal

You should sit down for a good 60 minutes.

However, I do use 60-minute timers on Alexa or Google Assistant.

I was doing the same experiment (meditation) when the following idea popped into my head.

Why our ears don’t have lids?

Why does our mouth have a lid?

Why do our eyes have lids?

Let me explain the morning when the idea popped up. It was a beautiful day after a snowy night. Here is the image of the backyard.

Ignore the Ice Bath Tub. That’s another experiment on the way — a cold plunge (ice bath).

Image by author

I grab a glass of lemon water, sit on the couch in the living room, and stare at the backyard lawn, mostly covered in snow.

I sit the usual way, my eyes trying to find something I don’t know; my brain brings thoughts.

Is it the right time to plant my vegetables in the backyard?

Ahh, that project is due today. Am I missing something?

I’m just sitting and listening to what my brain is saying.

What type of noise is there in the environment?

Just imagine sitting for a good 60 minutes, idol, doing nothing.

It’s not an easy task.

If someone says it’s easy, here is the task: leave everything right now, sit, and relax for 60 minutes. You cannot consume any content, including TV. TikTok or YT.

Sit; grab a glass of water or your favorite coffee if you want.

Let me try to answer the why part.

I love reading.

Reading has been embedded in my system since I was a kid.

It’s the one thing that helps me combat almost any obstacle in life.

Recently, I wrote a couple of articles on how reading helps us to live a better life.

How Does Reading Affect Your Brain

What Happens When You Start Reading Every Day

Last week, I read “The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin”.

I recommend this book if you get stuck in life, especially if you need more ideas or know how to find them.

Read the book if you think your creativity is down or need new thoughts.

I read in the book why we have lids on our mouths but not on our ears.

Quotes from the book

All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now.

If you have an idea you’re excited about and you don’t bring it to life, it’s not uncommon for the idea to find its voice through another maker. This isn’t because the other artist stole your idea, but because the idea’s time has come.


Page — 109 (The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin — Hard copy)

Our eyes and mouth can be sealed; however, our ears do not have a lid.

Ears have to take everything that surrounds them.

There is no filter (naturally).

Ears are always listening.

Ears are constantly receiving.

But they cannot transmit.

We can communicate through our mouths and our eyes.

The author further explains that when we hear, all the sounds enter our ears, and we don’t even know most of them.

It’s the listening part that has to differentiate and pay attention to what we want to hear.

It’s the being in the moment.

In Buddhism, ringing the bell is a part of the ritual. It means coming back to the present. It’s a tiny reminder to wake up.

Listening is a part of learning.

We learn through these three ways.




I read a research paper stating that reading is the best way to learn. I could not find the research paper. But I can share my perspective.

I learn the best through reading while implementing what I read. For me, reading is nothing but getting all the information; getting all the information without doing what I read is not going to be practical.

What is the best way you learn?

I am sure everyone has their way of learning. One of my friends used to be productive while working in cafes.

He said the noise in the background helps him to concentrate. I am the complete opposite. I work in the most optimal environment.

It has to be noise-free.

It has to be at an optimal temperature.

It has to be a specific time of the day.

It has to be a deep work session.

As I said, no one is wrong. We are unique creatures, which means we also learn in unique ways.

The bottom line

If you are not listening, you are not learning. — Lyndon Johnson

In summary, in this article, I try to answer or at least plug in my opinion on why we don’t have lids on our ears but mouths and eyes.

Ears are there to get all the sounds; they are the best way to learn; it’s up to you which you want to filter.

Ears are the best receivers for getting information all the time.

The mouth and eyes are the best transmitters to convey your message.

Also, your mouth and eyes have lids to ensure the right time to say something or to stay quiet.


What is the best way you learn: Listening, Reading, or watching?

Why do you think we have lids on our mouths and eyes but not the ears?

Book recommendation

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin

As a new reader, please check my holistic health, productivity, and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and 30+ days of experiments (29 completed so far) to build a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

My Supplements Stack

Many readers asked if I consume any supplements. Yes, I do. However, I consider supplements as add-ons, not solid meal replacements.

I prefer to eat whole foods and avoid canned ones. I also believe that recent food quality has lacked proper nutrition, so I take supplements to fill the gap.

I only consume proven and continuously consumed supplements by scientists like Andrew Huberman or experimental gentleman Tim Ferris. Supplements will help you enhance your overall life.

What I Take & WhySupplement Name – Optimize your health journey
Sleep Supplements
Preferred to take 30 – 60 minutes before bedtime.
Magnesium L-Threonate –> 144 mg
Apigenin –> 50 mg
L-Theanine –> 200 mg
Supplements for Brain PerformanceCreatine –> low dose (5 grams) taken daily
Omega-3 Fatty Acids –> 2-3 of EPA daily1
Phenylethylamine (PEA)
Anti-inflammatory SupplementsTurmeric / Curcumin with Black Pepper -> Joint Support
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) –> Support immune function
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) –> for treating injuries
Athletic Greens –> as “nutritional insurance”
Physical Performance + Recovery SupplementsGrass Fed Whey Protein –> Joint health and recovery
Alpha-GPC –> Before a workout
L-Tyrosine –> To enhance exercise performance

Branched-Chain Amino Acids –> to enhance muscle building & recovery
L-Glutamine –> for gut health and muscle recovery
Zinc –> for exercise recovery (muscle damage)
Immune Support SupplementsL-Lysine –> to combat viral infections and cold sores
Apple Cider Vinegar –> to boost immunity
Medicinal Mushrooms –> to enhance immune function
My comprehensive list of supplements to improve health

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