Top 10 Tiny Habits to Change Your Life: Short Story

How to transform your life by building tiny sustainable habits?

Here are the top 10 life-changing habits I have been doing.

  1. Drinking at least 3 liters of water every day
  2. Writing every week now everyday
  3. Reading daily
  4. Absolute Zero Sugar
  5. Big Breakfast, light dinner
  6. Cell Phone less than 90 minutes a day
  7. Running daily (outdoor) and if the weather is terrible, treadmill
  8. Gym 3–5 times for a max of 45 minutes that I will be out within an hour
  9. Go to bed before 12 AM and have a solid 7+ hours sleep; I usually sleep between 6 & 7 hours max
  10. Be kind to others!

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

— Aesop

I am not suggesting that you attempt to incorporate all of these life-changing habits into your life immediately. The key to building sustainable habits is to start tiny and then build up as the new behavior becomes automatic.

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