The Art of Living Naturally

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature. — Zeno

As a child, I often found myself lost in the charm of the rural landscape of my small village.

The rustling of leaves, the soothing songs of birds, and the intoxicating aroma of lush fields provided the soundtrack to my youth.

However, among these natural elements, there was one that held my affection the most — clay.

In this remote farming community where I grew up, clay was everywhere. It was in our homes, utensils, and even the art that adorned our walls.

Life was simple yet rich in its connections to nature. As a city dweller surrounded by concrete and technology, I often find myself longing for that simplicity.

The art of living naturally, as I once did, is a philosophy that has always retained its appeal.

Naturally, living is about more than just residing in a rural setting.

It is a conscious choice.

To align your lifestyle with nature’s rhythms by continuously making sustainable and harmonious choices.

This concept, often called “biophilic living,” has gained attention recently due to increasing concerns about environmental sustainability and human health.

One of the critical aspects of living naturally is the food. In an age of processed foods and fast lifestyles, returning to the roots and consuming organic, locally sourced, and seasonal foods can profoundly impact our health.

Clay, the symbol of my childhood, is also essential in the art of natural living.

Using clay utensils for cooking and storage is an age-old practice that is regaining popularity due to its numerous benefits.

Studies show that clay pots are alkaline, and interacting with acidic food neutralizes the pH, making food healthier and more nutritious.

Furthermore, embracing the simplicity of natural living means reducing the use of energy-consuming appliances and devices.

This not only contributes to environmental conservation but can also improve personal well-being. Many studies show excessive screen time can lead to depression and sleep issues in the long run.

Finally, connecting with nature directly, such as spending time in green spaces, can profoundly impact mental health.

A study shows that merely spending 20 minutes in a park, even without any exercise, can improve your mental health.

The bottom line

In every walk of nature, one receives far more than he seeks. — John Muir

In conclusion, the art of living naturally is a holistic approach to life:

  • Embracing simplicity
  • Embrace sustainability
  • Develop a deeper connection with the nature

It is a lifestyle that may require some conscious changes and can bring profound benefits to personal health and the health of mother earth.

As someone who has experienced the magic of a natural lifestyle firsthand, I can vouch for the peace it can bring.

Book recommendation: Why We Sleep by Dr. Walker

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