Simple Weight Loss Hacks — Do These Two Things

I don’t believe in any magic trick or secret to losing weight, but we can develop a few practical hacks. The hacks I am going to share are super simple to do.

It doesn’t matter whether you are working from the home, office, or in a remote place; I can guarantee that these weight loss hacks will add value to the weight loss program.

1- Drink 3+ liters of water with lemon each day

You have no idea how important it is to drink 3–4 liters of clean water every day. I have been drinking 3.78 liters of water since Jan 2022, and it’s doing so many positive things to my mental and physical health.

I had no idea that the simplest hack — drinking plenty of water can actually help you lose weight. I watched a TikTok video in which the trainer emphasized the importance of water with lemon.

Before you drink tea, coffee, or breakfast, I highly recommend drinking lukewarm water first thing in the morning. It will help to boost your digestive system and hydration levels.

Does lemon water boost metabolism?

Many studies show that good hydration improves the purpose of mitochondria, a type of organelle in cells that aids to create energy for the body.

This causes an increase in metabolism, which may lead to weight loss as a result. Increased Hydration Can Be Associated with Weight Loss

Drinking adequate water has also been found to boost metabolism by triggering thermogenesis, a metabolic process to create heat while burning more calories.

In one study, 14 participants drank 16.9 ounces (0.5 liters) of water. Drinking water was found to increase their metabolic rate by 30% for 30–40 minutes. Water-induced thermogenesis

2- Move your body for at least 30 minutes each day

We all know that walking helps control weight because it burns more calories than sitting. You can definitely lose weight by walking 30 minutes a day.

Develop this habit to walk at least 30 minutes each day, if you cannot devote 7 days a week, then at least 3–4 days per week.

Many studies also show that how much weight you will lose highly depend on a couple of factors.

  • Your walking pace
  • Walking on plain surfaces vs uphills
  • Diet still plays a pivotal role.

According to Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise journal, people burn more calories when they increase their walking speed. The study also shows that walking speed is directly related to calorie burn.

Increasing your walking speed doesn’t mean you have to run. Carrying weight while walking can also help to burn more calories.

For example, a recent study shows that a person burns at least 13% more calories who wore 10% vest of their weight. Maybe add some weight (weighted vest, hole dumbells, etc) to burn more calories.

The bottom line

We don’t have to take extreme steps to lose weight. I am also a firm believer that extreme exercises or diets are not sustainable.

Always take tiny steps and try to develop a habit to live a healthy life.

Make sure to chat with your physician before adding any new routine to your life regarding weight loss.

First, develop stamina then gradually increase the intensity to burn more calories. Stay healthy!

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is not health advice. It is for information purposes only. The content reflects my review of credible sources from scientific papers.

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