My Top 6 Reasons To Drink Matcha Instead of Morning Coffee

You probably know me, the guy who loves to do 30+ days of experiments, then share my findings with all of you.

This notion of trying 30+ days of the experiment came into my mind last year. Let’s accept there are many gurus in this world who promise to increase productivity, make a lot of money asap, improve your health, and lose weight in the blink of an eye.

I used to be that guy who lost a lot of money on “gurus/fake experts” to attend the magical seminars and then achieve all the benefits they promised at the workshop.

Now I take a deliberate approach. Instead of following a routine blindly or working on something for a year, I am more focused on testing the waters by following my 30+ days approach.

I am proud to say I have completed 23 30-day challenges so far. After completing each challenge, I wrote about my experiential journey based on the latest research. Here are all the challenges.

I say matcha means green tea in a more concentrated form. I completed the drinking of matcha for 30+ days challenge back in April. I also shared my detailed findings in the following article.

Matcha has tremendous health benefits, but here are the top 6 I observed, especially after trying it for more than 30 days without missing a single day.

#6 Weight loss

Matcha definitely helped me a lot to lose stubborn fat, especially on my belly and around the waistline. I feel like my stomach is going down.

Here is my challenge to anyone reading this article; before commenting or saying it’s not helping, I highly suggest trying it for at least 30 days.

Caveat: I suggest you not consume more than a cup of Matcha tea in the first 1–2 weeks; that’s when your body needs to adjust to this new stuff. After 1–2 weeks, I consume roughly 2–3 cups daily.

#5 Diabetes, low blood sugar

New research proves that drinking matcha has healthy benefits on your digestive system, especially by lowering blood sugar levels.

And this study shows that drinking matcha can potentially reverse diabetes.

#4 Natural energy booster

There are many ways to boost your energy; the worst is by consuming sugar.

According to this research paper, it takes roughly 3 hours for our bodies to absorb caffeine from matcha. I love my black coffee, but this is one of the natural energy boosters I consume if I have to stay focused for 4+ hours.

#3 Better skin

I am in my 30s. It’s one of the reasons I started to focus on my health. As you know, the skin is the largest organ in the body.

There could be many reasons that my skin is way clear than it used to be. About six months ago, I did a 30+ days skin cleaning challenge by using the best products according to dermatologists. The skincare routine is just a part of my life.

However, after consuming matcha daily for 4+ weeks, I literally saw more clean skin. I already said there could be many reasons, but matcha’s natural properties definitely played a role as an add-on.

#2 Natural cancer fighter (new research)

According to this research report by National Cancer Institute, more than 600,000 people will die of cancer in the United States this year.

More than 2 people die of skin cancer in the U.S. every hour, according to Skin Care Foundation; that’s roughly 17000+ people each year.

Here are some quick facts.

  • 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70
  • If detected early, the 5-year survival rate for melanoma is 99%

While consuming matcha, I read a lot of material, and based on the latest research, matcha does help to prevent cancer.

Based on the alarming numbers of cancer patients, I highly suggest incorporating matcha into your diet to prevent it.

The most common cancer sites are given below.

#1 Refresh your breath

Research shows that matcha is beneficial for your teeth. It helps to prevent building up plaque. Matcha’s antibacterial properties are a great source to protect your teeth.

I didn’t notice much of a difference in my breath in the first week of my matcha experiment, but after 2+ weeks, I noticed a significant improvement. It’s so natural that we chew gum before a big meeting, which is great and has its own benefits, but it’s not cool to give a speech while chewing seems strange.

Maybe it’s the right time to give it a try to drink matcha before meeting someone special!

The bottom line

Matcha is a great beverage to add to your routine to live a healthy life. I am saying this after doing 30+ days of experiment.

Let me recall the top 6 benefits.

Matcha will help you to boost your energy.

It’s a great source of healthy skin.

Study shows matcha can help to fight cancer.

If you are dealing with bad breath, maybe it’s the right time to try matcha.

Drinking matcha consistently will help you to lose weight, especially stubborn fat.

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