If You Sit for 6+ Hours a Day — Read This

In our fast-paced, tech-driven lives, I’ve found myself glued to my seat for 6+ hours a day. Unfortunately, this prolonged sitting had taken a toll on my body, manifesting as poor posture, weight gain, and an increased risk of depression and anxiety.

But fear not because there’s a solution — a set of practical and effective exercises.

I am an experimental guy who loves to test things before sharing or recommending others. I tried all the following exercises. If you want to read the tweet, the gentleman, Dan Go, wrote this thread back in February.

Let’s dive into these exercises, and I’ll share what I personally experienced after each one.

The McGill Big 3 For Core Stability

1.The McGill Crunch

Engaging in the McGill Crunch, I felt an immediate connection to my lower back and abs.

The deliberate movement not only strengthened my core but also left me with a newfound sense of stability.

It’s incredible how a few intentional crunches can make a significant impact on overall strength.

2.Side Plank Holds

Balancing on one forearm in a side plank position was a revelation for my obliques.

The sustained effort required for stability left me with a pleasant fatigue, signaling that these side plank holds were indeed targeting neglected muscle groups.

3.Focused & Activated Bird Dogs

The Bird Dog exercise turned out to be a game-changer for my coordination.

The deliberate extension of opposite limbs demanded my full attention, and as I moved through the motions, I could sense my core actively working to maintain balance.

It’s remarkable how such a seemingly simple exercise can enhance overall body awareness.

Glute Bridge Holds

Engaging in glute bridge holds, I could feel the targeted activation in my glutes. The exercise not only provided a much-needed release for my lower back but also underscored the importance of strong glutes in maintaining proper posture.

It became clear that neglecting these muscles had contributed to my previous discomfort.

Bar Hangs

Hanging from the bar turned out to be a revelation for my posture and shoulder stability. The gentle stretch and decompression of my spine after sitting for extended periods were immediate.

It dawned on me that sometimes the simplest exercises yield profound results, and the bar hang is a prime example.

Cat Cows

Transitioning through Cat Cow stretches had a soothing effect on my neck and upper back. The flexibility gained in just a few reps was palpable, and the release of tension was incredibly refreshing.

It highlighted the significance of incorporating gentle stretches to counteract the rigors of a sedentary lifestyle.

Couch Stretch

The couch stretch provided a welcomed release for my tight hip flexors. I was able to feel the stretch deep in my hips while holding the position, which also helped to relieve the back and knee pain that comes with prolonged sitting.

It reaffirmed how crucial it is to treat muscle tightness in order to promote general comfort.

Go for a Walk Outside

Walking on a daily basis soon became one of my favorite activities. It’s the most accessible exercise you would ever do. Walking’s ease of use and the environment’s natural elements and fresh air proved to be a comprehensive strategy for counteracting the harmful effects of extended sitting.

It dawned on me that this simple exercise not only helped me burn calories but also made a big difference in my general feeling of well-being.

The bottom line

To sum up, these exercises are more than just a set of motions; they are revolutionary steps that freed my body from the grip of extended sitting.

Consistently embracing them has strengthened my muscles and developed a newfound relationship with my body.

These deliberate actions marked the beginning of my journey to feeling amazing.

I had formed the habit of trying new things for a specific amount of time to see the real results, so it was fairly easy for me to complete all the exercises for more than 30 days after many more than 30 days of challenges.

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