I Walked 10000 Steps Each Day for 42 Days

Here’s what 10000 steps did to my body mentally and physically.

Walking 10000 steps each day is part of my 30-day challenge to build sustainable, healthy, and productive habits. I have completed 15 30-day challenges, including 10000 steps, in the past 4 months. Here is the complete list.

I don’t enjoy exercising in confined areas, such as an indoor gym. As a result, I like to go outside and spend some time in nature every day.

In 2021, amid the pandemic, I completed 336 km (209 miles) of hiking trails. I just feel in a different state of mind when I am surrounded by mountains, trees, and/or the ocean.

I don’t think I’ve missed a 5km (3 mile) walk since 2011 unless I was sick or the weather was terrible. In that case, I have a gym membership that I hardly use.

As I said, I have done many hikes and long walks, but I was not consistent in doing 10000 steps every day.

I would like to say thank you to my Apple watch, which helped me to count the steps on the first day of the 30-day 10000 steps challenge.

How many miles (kilometers) in 10000 steps

Before beginning my 30-day 10000 steps journey, I used this online steps calculator to count the steps. However, my Apple Watch came in handy for counting steps in a better way.

Simply navigate to the health app (iPhone) to get steps, elevation, and a number of other fitness measures.

According to this website, an average person will do 5 miles (8 KM)in 10000 steps. After my first walk with the help of the Apple Watch, I knew where to stop and how many steps I had taken.

I usually avoid taking any digital devices on hikes or long walks. Most of the time, I keep my devices at the bottom of my bag.

As a result, I only used the Apple Watch once or twice, and the rest of the time, I just walked without a smartphone or a watch.

I highly recommend going for a walk in nature without any gadgets; you will have more peace of mind.

I understand that you may need to take photos or check the time, trail path, and so on. However, try to avoid and connect with nature as much as possible.

How many calories can you burn in 10000 steps?

We all know that our bodies burn energy all the time, no matter what we do.

It depends on your walking pace. On average, a 160 lbs person will burn roughly 636 calories in 10000 steps. And if you’re 210 lbs (6’3″) like me, you will burn around 870 calories.

Will taking 10000 steps a day be enough to reach your fitness goals?

Many studies show that walking will definitely help you lose weight and improve your overall health.

However, merely taking 10000 steps to lose weight or achieve a fitness goal might not be enough for many individuals.

My objective was not to lose weight; therefore, I did not focus on diet in that way. My intention was to test whether it would improve my sleep and alertness.

Note: Walking is one of the most beneficial habits you may develop in order to live a healthier and longer life. I’m doing research for an article about how brisk walking may help you live a longer life.

Benefits of 10000 steps

A 10000 mile walk begins with a single step and continues one step at a time. — Rickson Gracie

An adult human step requires roughly 200 muscles. Consider how much of a workout your body will get if you do the 10000 steps challenge!

I accept that for a couple of days, I could not do 10000 steps, but I did see the benefits. Here are the top benefits I saw that are directly related to 10000 steps or, I would say, long walks.

I actually accepted the challenge to increase my sleep quality. I generally walked 10,000 steps after dinner, about 6/7 p.m.

I work full-time in front of computer screens, and 10000 steps helped me relax and decrease physical stiffness. I slept the entire night peacefully.

If you could choose one advantage to better your life, it would be sleep quality. And I may tell, you will notice a significant improvement in your sleep on your first day of the 10000 steps journey.

The second objective was to remain attentive while sitting in front of computer screens throughout the day. I felt more active and alert after walking 10,000 steps.

I developed this habit of reading for an hour after 10000 steps walk each day on Kindle or physical books. To improve my life, I’m now reading a lot about stoicism.

Please follow this top writer,
Ryan Holiday
, if you would like to read more on this subject. He has written 10+ books on this topic. I recently bought three of his books:

i) The Obstacle is The Way (amazon affiliate link and my favourite book)

ii) Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday & Stephen

iii) Lives of the Stoics by Ryan Holiday.

Okay, back to the 10000-step challenge; long walks are the solution if you want 10000 ideas for any field you work in. Each walk generated more ideas for me than any previous brainstorming session.

I knew that walks might help you solve problems, but I had no idea that a long walk might expand my mind in ways I had never seen before.

My wife joined me a number of times in the last week to complete the long 10000 steps walk; as she was new to the 10000 steps challenge, we only did about 5 kilometers, then I did another 3 kilometers around the block later.

I go to bed at about midnight and wake up at 7 a.m. Now, I anticipate getting 7–8 hours of quality sleep.

Long walks are ideal for motivating others around you. My family, friends, and even coworkers are participating in this challenge to increase their energy levels.

The key takeaways

Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. — Thomas Jefferson

In a nutshell, I highly recommend taking a 10000 steps 30-day challenge to build a sustainable healthy, and productive habit in the long run.

I can guarantee you one thing. You will never be sorry for taking a walk. You may feel tired at first, but once you are in 1–2 kilometers (miles), you are ready to rock.

If you work at a desk job like me, you will understand how crucial it is to walk every day. Each walk will leave you feeling accomplished. I’m writing this article after a long walk, and ideas are flooding in.

I’m glad I completed the 10,000 steps, and I’m even more delighted that the people around me are up for the challenge.

Start simple!

Thank you for reading; follow me and clap a couple of times.

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