I Embraced the 5 Rules of Clean Eating

Came from a plant, eat it; was made in a plant, don’t. — Michael Pollan

Clean eating is all the rage and for good reason!

This lifestyle of a clean eating approach has done wonders for countless people, and I’m now one of them.

I adopted the five principles of clean eating, and my life has never been better.

Here’s the inside on those five golden rules.

Whole foods became my BFF

I kissed processed foods goodbye and embraced whole, unprocessed goodies like fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

My body immediately felt the difference — I had more energy, my digestion improved significantly with the bowel movement, and my cravings for junk food practically vanished except for the chocolates. However, I consume at least 70% cacao.

Nutrient variety is the spice of life

With clean eating, I discovered that it’s all about variety.

I started experimenting with colorful fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, creating vibrant and delicious meals.

My taste buds have never been happier, and I know I’m giving my body everything it needs to give me energy throughout the day.

If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food. — Errick McAdams

Portion control made me mindful.

No more mindless munching for me!

Clean eating taught me the importance of portion control and listening to my body’s hunger and fullness signals.

This new awareness has helped me maintain a healthy weight without feeling deprived.

Bye-bye, added sugars and unhealthy fats

I used to have a sweet tooth, but clean eating changed that.

I swapped out added sugars and unhealthy fats for natural sweeteners like honey ( I am a huge fan of wild honey), maple syrup, and healthy fat sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

After a lot of research, I stick to this brand of honey. It’s a bit expensive, but as per my research, it’s the best honey on the planet.

Here is the honey — Comvita Manuka Honey — I consume on a daily basis if you would like to give it a try.

My waistline and overall health are definitely thankful!


Clean eating also made me realize how crucial hydration is to stay energetic all day.

I started drinking more water and cut back on sugary drinks.

I also did 3+ liters of drinking water for 30+ days. Here is my experiential journal if you would like to read it.

The bottom line

sorry, there’s no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story. — Morgan Spurlock

Thanks to these five clean eating principles, my life has taken a turn for the better.

My body feels fantastic, my mind is sharp, and I’m in a great mood most of the time.

If you’re considering a lifestyle change, I highly recommend giving clean eating a green signal.

Book recommendation: The World Atlas of Coffee: From Beans to Brewing — Coffees Explored, Explained, and Enjoyed (amazon affiliate link)

Thank you for reading and clapping.

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