How To Take Notes in the Shower

Capture all the brilliant ideas while showering — waterproof solution

The fact that we get fantastic ideas while taking shower is a fascinating phenomenon. The majority of the time, thoughts just vanish after a shower. I got your back.

I am not sure why we have all those luminous ideas while having a shower, but I was sure to write them down before even finishing my shower. I wanted to capture my thoughts while they were fresh in my mind. I battled with this problem and experimented with the following options.

Cell phone:
I was taking the cell phone in the washroom, but I had to dry my phone most of the time without any idea. That was not an optimal solution.

I also tried to place the notebook across the tub, but most of the time, it got wet; I forgot to put it back on the shelves — another failed approach.

Lead Pencil:
I also read somewhere to keep a led pencil in the shower; simply write on the wall if you come with a brilliant idea. I tried but numerous times broke my pencil, and it was not an easy write either.

And finally a solution:
After researching, I came across a couple of waterproof notepads. The following are my favorite; I have been using them for the past couple of years. You can simply attach it to the wall, or keep it on the side of the tub if you are taking a bath.

i) Aqua Pad (amazon affiliate link)

ii) Shower Mate Waterproof Note Pad (amazon affiliate link)

It’s the simplest solution to buy a waterproof notepad from amazon. Amazon is not the only place you can purchase waterproof pads. A few times, I bought it from Walmart. I might get a commission if you buy using my amazon affiliate link.

Thank you for reading!

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