How To Grow Brain Cells While Brushing Your Teeth

Dental health is super important for the health of all of your body’s organs. One of the major symptoms of an unhealthy body is bad teeth and gums.

Research shows that brushing your teeth with a non-dominant hand can boost the plasticity in the brain.

What is neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity is the brain’s power to form new neural connections. It performs the primary function to re-wire itself. Without neuroplasticity, the brain will not develop or recover from injury.

What can you do with your non-dominant hand?

Maybe try to do the following tasks.

  • opening your car door
  • writing
  • holding phone
  • texting
  • stirring
  • Pour drinks
  • open jars
  • wash your body
  • brush your teeth, etc.

These are some of the scientifically proven ways to boost mental health while using the non-dominant hand.

1- Make us think

Study shows that the brain works like muscles; it will get weaker if you don’t use it. When performing a routine, the brain automatically uses the already built-in network or the same path.

The main issue is that we are not forcing the brain to create new pathways or rethinking performing a task. It’s only possible by solving new tasks. It’s kind of work on the same principle as muscles.

If you want to gain bigger muscles, you have to lift more weight, eat a balanced diet, and try different exercises instead of doing the same.

Next time try to brush your teeth using your left hand or right hand if you are leady left-handed to shock your brain to create a new neural path. That will help to increase brain plasticity to boost your brainpower.

It’s like your brain is hitting the gym. I try max once a week. For example, I try to use my left hand (non-dominant) 24h once a week.

Try it; it’s not an easy task to do.

2- Enhances mental ability

The brain is divided into two hemispheres by the corpus callosum, a band of nerves that connects them. The two parts of the brain continuously transfer data based on what we are trying to do.

Using the non-dominant hand forces the brain to transfer more data because that’s not brain regularly does. This kind of information transfer helps to boost brainpower.

3- Boost your creativity

Undoubtedly, this is the most significant benefit of utilizing the non-dominant hand. Working with the non-dominant hand stimulates the brain’s right/left hemisphere, responsible for creativity.

The study has proven that when we use our dominant hand, only one hemisphere is engaged; however, both hemispheres are active when we use our non-dominant hand.

The cells of your non-dominant hemisphere, which are responsible for creativity, are stimulated when you use your non-dominant hand.

Bottom line

How amazing is that by making small life changes, we can actually boost our brainpower to be more creative. Its a proven study on numerous research articles.

The study also shows that the participant’s brains performed better than before. Simply more neural connections mean more brainpower.

Having more cell towers in your brain to send messages along. The more cell towers you have, the fewer missed calls. — -Dr. P. Murali

I must say it’s not an easy task to brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand simply. I strongly encourage you to give it a try, even if just for a day, to see how you feel and how life comes to life.

Thank you for reading; follow me and clap a couple of times.

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