How To Get Your Life on Track — Five Things You Shouldn’t Be Too Busy For

I used to be a lazy and unproductive guy merely 3–4 years ago. I did not comprehend how to save for a rainy day and its importance.

However, I knew something was wrong, but I did not know what was wrong.

I was doing a great job, had many friends, traveling, and almost everything, but it needed to be moving ahead. Whenever I was alone, I used to think about where the hell life was heading.

It was like a never-ending circle. Each year, I knew I would get this bonus: travel for a couple of weeks, and that’s it.

Nothing was in my control, which meant I was highly dependent on other people’s decisions.

I was okay to keep doing the same job, bringing money on the 1st/15th of each month, but still, my bank account was empty at the end of each month.

That’s the time I started to think I needed to take control. And to take control the first part is to take action and figure out what you can control and cannot.

The things you can control, double down your efforts on that one.

Undoubtedly, life is a roller coaster, and here are the five things we need to focus on consistently to steer it in the right direction.

If you’re too busy for these five things, hold on tight because your life might be more off-course than you think!

Too busy to organize your life

Let’s face it: keeping our lives organized can be super challenging.

But here’s the kicker: moving forward in life becomes a heck of a lot easier when you ditch that excessive baggage.

For example, I used to think what people would think about me. Do not worry about people; it’s your life, and believe me, many times, people are too busy in their lives, and they don’t even care what you’re doing.

Most of us are guilty of dealing with the urgent and “shallow” stuff, like answering endless emails and tackling day-to-day chores. I used to be the same guy not long ago.

But very few folks have mastered prioritizing deep and meaningful things, like learning, money management, health, and relationships.

Too busy to invest in your future

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. — Benjamin Franklin

Now, how many of you consciously plan and design your life?

Don’t worry; you’re not alone if you’re thinking, “Not me.”

But here’s the deal: you have the power to shape your life’s details the moment you decide you’re worthy of that power. Your brain will find a way to get the answers if you consistently look for answers. It might take some time. Be consistent!

Most of us forget to invest in ourselves — our finances, relationships, health, or even our precious time.

But when you invest in yourself, you’re setting up your future for a grand time.

Too busy to track essential metrics

Here’s a fun fact: when you track and evaluate your behavior, it magically improves. So, start tracking the things that matter most to you.

There’s this fantastic prioritization method that goes like this:

  • Urgent and important: Do it right now!
  • Urgent but not important: Delegate it!
  • Not urgent, but important: Schedule it!
  • Not urgent, not important: Ignore it!

Keep your priorities in check because they reflect your “why,” and that’s what your life should be built around.

When you do that, you’ll be responsible, which is just another way of saying “freedom.” Freedom of time and money in the long run.

Too busy to meditate

Hustle, hustle, hustle — it’s all the rage these days.

But hold up!

Hustling in the wrong direction won’t get you very far. Sure, you might fail fast and fail forward (remember the 4 Fs rule?), but as Thomas Merton put it.

People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall. — Thomas Merton

Meditation isn’t just about getting clarity on what you’re doing; it open up your mind to possibilities you can’t grasp while being crazy busy.

Have you ever wondered why some of the world’s most successful people love their rituals?

It’s because they know there’s a higher domain you can tap into, and the only thing holding you back is your own noggin.

Too busy to move toward your goals every single day

Okay, let’s be real — how many days go by where you did absolutely nothing to chase those big dreams of yours? I’ve been there, and it’s true I still miss days, but it’s pretty rare.

Probably more than you’d like to admit.

Life’s a mad dash; if you don’t intentionally carve out some time every day to make progress, your precious hours will vanish in front of your eyes.

And before you know it, you’ll be sitting there, old and withered, wondering where all that time went.

But guess what?

If you take just one tiny step toward your big goals every day, you’ll realize those dreams weren’t as far away as you thought.

Life can be a bit like an aircraft — constantly in need of course corrections.

So, let’s take back control of our lives, folks. Because in the end, we’re the captains of this wild journey, and it’s high time we lead it where we want to go.

The bottom line

So there you have it, my friends. Life can get incredibly busy, no doubt about it.

But if you’re too busy for these five crucial things — organizing, planning, tracking, meditating, and daily progress towards your goals — you might find yourself veering off course without even realizing it.

It’s time to take a step back and reevaluate your priorities.

Remember, your energy is limited, and it’s essential to direct it toward the things that truly matter.

So, don’t let the chaos of a busy life; embrace these practices, and you’ll find yourself more focused and organized and more fulfilled and aligned with your true goals and desires.

Take a deep breath, make that commitment to yourself, and watch how these small changes can lead to a happier, more purposeful life. Now, make the most of it!

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