How To Conquer Your Day

My morning routine is the thing that sets me up for a positive, productive, and successful day. — Aggie Burnett

I truly believe starting a day with a morning routine is crucial for your daily productivity.

The morning routine helps you set the tone for the day.

You have probably heard often schedule your day first thing in the morning.

Schedule your day before going to bed. I just put three things on my calendar per day.

No matter what, I have to do those three tasks per day rest is just a bonus.

Therefore, I am a huge fan of building tiny sustainable habits. I also want to help others to follow my journey and see what works for me.

Here are 20+ 30-day challenges I accomplished by trying different healthy challenges for at least 30 days: squats, drinking water 3+ liters a day, reading, planks, push-ups, etc.).

Back to a solid morning routine, here are the top TWO reasons I have a morning routine.

First reason:

First, I do my most important task as soon as I am up. I wake up between 5–7 AM after sleeping for 7–8 hours. Just brush my teeth, drink water, brew black coffee, and go to my home office.

When I enter the home office, I write for two hours. No matter what happens, I am focused on writing for the first two hours each morning. It’s one of my 2023 goals.

Usually, I am done with writing before 8 AM. Then I eat breakfast, play with my pets, spend time with family, and prepare for work. After doing the 2 hours of writing tasks, I am confident in my day.

Consistency is super super important to build a habit.

Second reason:

It’s just the mental shift that helps you to have a more productive day. I am set for the day after winning the morning. I am confident that I will thrive today.

The bottom line

Morning is an important time of day because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. — Lemony Snicket

In conclusion, winning the morning sets your mood to win the day. Routines are crucial to staying happy, healthy, and wealthy.


  • Ensure you finish the super important tasks first thing in the morning.
  • You will be in a great mood — Bring it on! After accomplishing the first task, you are set for the day.

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