How Did I Track To Drink 3.78 Liters of Water Every Day for 30 Days

Everyone knows the necessity of drinking enough water on a daily basis. This year, I began 30-day experimentation with the intention of continuing if I enjoyed it. Here are a few I have already done.

Undoubdeteky, it was tough to drink even 3 liters of water in the first couple of weeks.

How did I measure water intake?

Everyone asked me the most common question in friends and family circles. I bought this one-gallon motivational water bottle (amazon affiliate link) with a measurement tracker on the side. The water bottle is working like magic for me. Here is the image.

Image by Author — the one-gallon motivational water bottle with measurements

After drinking 3–4 liters of fresh water and sometimes with lemon juice, the following 4 things happened.

  • Definitely increased my energy levels throughout the day
  • Normal bowel movements
  • Hydrated all-day
  • The alert level increased (natural brain booster I guess)

In summary, drinking a gallon of water has great benefits to your overall health, but be ready to visit the washroom many times, especially in the first two weeks.

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