9 Realistic Micro-Habits To Live Better Every Day

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgments that leads us to either fortune or failure. — Jim Rohn

I am a huge building of tiny sustainable, healthy, and productive habits. So far, I have completed 20 30-day challenges to boost my life. Here is the list.

I truly believe that tiny changes add a lot of value in the long run.

I am not going to say wake up at 4 AM or take cold showers in the morning. However, I have done the cold shower challenge for 30 days, which is not sustainable (I think). You can read my journey here.


Energy booster

Recently, I stole this 5–5–5–30 technique from Sahil Bloom. It’s the basic exercise you can do each morning to start yours.

5 push-ups

5 squats

5 lunges

30-second plank

Try for at least a week.


Work in 25 minutes intervals follow by a 5-minute break to reenergize your brain.

I know it seems too simple, but it works. I use this basic countdown timer. I think it’s roughly $10–15 on Amazon.


Do the most challenging task first thing in the morning.

That’s it!

It will set you for the day.


To accomplish task #3, you have to remove all the distractions.

Do not take your phone to the home office or keep it silent if you cannot function at work without a phone.

You can learn about this topic by reading my favorite book, Deep Work by Cal Newport


As soon as you are up, after brushing your teeth, and doing your business, drink a tall glass of water (maybe add some fresh lemon juice).


If you get stuck at work, your brain needs to be fixed. Practice the following two things.

  • If you are exhausted, have a nap (it’s pretty doable if you are working from home)
  • Go for a walk (trust me! You will come back with more ideas to complete your task)


Try meditation!

I thought its useless in the first couple of weeks.

But staying still, and calming down your thoughts for merely 10 minutes, will help you a lot to manage your stress.


Develop a learning habit, read, listen to podcasts, talk to intelligent people, and follow highly accomplished individuals to learn more from them!


Never skip a routine for more than a day. I learned this the hard way after failing at multiple 30-day challenges.

The bottom line

Don’t chase the perfect micro-habit; there is no such thing. After practicing many 30+ days of challenges to build healthy and productive habits, I believe moderation is the key.

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