7 Easy Easy Ways To Reduce Your Food Waste

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. — Robert Swan

According to the UNEP report, we waste almost a billion tonnes of food yearly.

You must be surprised that food waste contributes 8–10% to global greenhouse gas emissions.

If food loss and waste were a country, it would be the third biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions. — Executive Director UNEP

Report at glance

  • 61% of global food waste comes from households
  • 26% food services
  • 13% retailers
  • Save and eat leftovers.

Here are the top 7 ways you can reduce food waste.

  • Take an inventory
  • Make a meal plan.
  • Stick to a shopping list
  • Avoid impulse purchases

You will not only waste less food, but you will also save more money!

  • If you don’t finish everything, freeze it for later or use it as an ingredient in another dish.


Composting leftover food is a useful way to reuse food scraps, converting food waste into plant energy.

Store food wisely

One of the most common reasons I hear people say they don’t eat fruits and vegetables is because when they buy them, they end up going bad, and they throw them out anyway.

Here are a couple of tips.

Begin by purchasing only what you can consume in a week.

Keep greens in a plastic container in the crisper drawer with a paper towel.

Tomatoes and bananas on the counter

Potatoes and onions in a cool, dark place

Fresh herbs in a glass of water

Keep frozen fruits and vegetables on hand if you consume all your fresh produce before your next grocery run.

Pick ugly fruits and vegetables.

Buying imperfect food, which is misshaped or oddly shaped fruits and vegetables, has always been challenging.

Some companies will deliver “ugly” foods to you on a monthly basis if you sign up for a subscription. Here are a couple of companies if you want to try it.

You can also start a relationship with a local farmer to get your hands on some ugly produce.

Support local food producers.

By purchasing locally grown produce, you are assisting family farmers and small businesses in your community.

You also help to reduce pollution by shortening delivery routes for trucks and other vehicles.

Pack your lunch

While going out to lunch with coworkers or grabbing a meal from your favorite restaurant is fun, it is also expensive and contributes to food waste.

Bringing your lunch to work (packing it at night before going to bed) is a great way to save money while also lowering your carbon footprint.

The bottom line

Every time we throw away food, we’re throwing away all the resources that went into producing it. — Tristram Stuart

There are multiple ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle food waste. Let me recall the top 7 easy-peasy ways you can implement in your life.

  • Make a grocery list before you leave for the store
  • Save and eat leftovers
  • Compost
  • Store food wisely
  • Pick the ugly fruits and veggies
  • Support local producers
  • Pack you lunch

Even minor changes in how you shop, cook, and consume food can help reduce your environmental impact.

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