6 Healthy and Productive 30-Day Challenges That Will Transform Your Life

Challenge yourself; it’s the only path which leads to growth. — Morgan Freeman

At the beginning of 2022, I planned to complete multiple 30-days challenges to improve my life.

So far, I have done 15 different challenges. You can see a complete list at the end of this article.

Why did I choose a 30-day challenge?

Many times I tried to complete a 30-day challenge in order to enhance my personal and professional life.

Before I divulge the tasks I’ve previously completed, I’d want to point out that I failed multiple times in the last couple of years.

How did I achieve my 30-day challenges this year?

I failed in the past because I was thinking of achieving the annual goal instead of dividing it into small weekly goals, now I focus only on 24 hours to accomplish something instead of weekly or yearly.

Your brain will accept the 30-days challenge easily as compared to 365-days.

You can also use the 30-days as an experiment if you did not enjoy it; it’s impossible to do it in the long run.

On the other hand, if you happily accomplished the 30-days challenge, the probability of building a sustainable long-term habit is very high.

Here are the 6 challenges I completed in the past couple of months which I am continuing in the long run.

#1 I Drank 3.78 Liters of Water Daily for 30 days

#2 I Did 20 Squats and Push-Ups Daily for 42 Days

#3 I did a 2-minute plank exercise daily for 4+ weeks

#4 I did 20 Push-ups daily for 30+ days

#5 I Drank Lukewarm Lemon (Fresh) Water Daily for 32 Days

#6 I Read 20 Pages Daily for 30 Days

#1 I Drank 3.78 Liters of Water Daily for 30 Days

Drinking sufficient water is excellent for your physical and mental health.

In the past, I tried to drink 3–4 liters of water for 365 days instead of focusing on the tiny goals.

This year I divided my significant objective of drinking 3–4 liters a day into a daily plan.

You can click the link where I also mentioned the trick of how I measured the water intake for details.

I am happy to say that I have been drinking 3–4 liters of water for 5+ months. It feels like a part of my life.

#2 I Read 20 Pages Daily for 30 Days

Reading is one of the best habits I developed to increase my knowledge and immerse myself in a different culture while living in another part of the world.

I was reading a lot, but I was struggling to read daily.

Instead of reading 1–2 hours on some days, I started this challenge to read at least 20 pages daily, and if I liked the book, I would spend more time.

#3 I Did 20 Squats and Push-Ups Daily for 42 Days

If you can do a squat and a push-up, you build up to becoming a fitness guru. — John Morrison

#4 I did a 2-minute plank exercise daily for 4+ weeks

Plank is not an easy exercise. You might take longer to build stamina to even to a 1–2 minute plank. I will leave you with the following quote.

If you ever get a feeling that time is moving too fast, put yourself in a plank position, and you will realize that it’s not moving at all. — Sanjay Yadav

#5 I did 20 Push-ups daily for 30+ days

I am a huge fan of push-ups, especially before starting a meeting.

I work from home, and a set of 10-20 push-ups always helps me, to be more active in stand-up meetings.

#6 I Drank Lukewarm Lemon (Fresh) Water Daily for 32 Days

Lemon water is part of my daily routine. I drink a tall glass of lukewarm lemon water almost every day, an hour before breakfast.

The bottom line

Don’t limit your challenges; challenge your limits. Each day we must strive for constant and never-ending improvement. — Tony Robbins

I highly recommend picking any 30-day challenge to build a healthy habit.

Take advantage of this opportunity to begin a new 30-day challenge to tackle whatever you’ve been pondering over several months or years.

You may want to break a bad habit or build a good one. Here’s a trick!

Take one step at a time!

These six experiential articles will help you develop strategies, and it’s perfectly OK to abandon challenges after the first 1–2 weeks if you’re not having fun.

If you can’t enjoy yourself, there’s a slim chance you’ll build a habit that will last.

Thank you for reading; follow me and clap a couple of times.

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