6 Habits To Stop Now: The Not-To-Do List

Never too late to change or quit a bad habit.

Bad habits will certainly damage your life. No one intends to form bad habits; they are simply embedded in our subconscious without recognizing them, jeopardizing our productivity without our knowledge.

Here are the top 6 bad habits consuming your energy mentally and physically.

Let’s dive in!

Eating all the time, even when you are not hungry

Research shows that chronic overeating can affect your sleep, organs, and weight. That extra pound can easily lead to diabetes, heart disease, and other severe conditions.

Overeating is bad even you are eating healthy food, and it’s worse if you are filling your body with junk food.

Plan your snacks like you eat a regular meal and replace junk food with a healthy one.

Too much TV

It’s one of the worst habits to put on weight. Simply the more time you spend in front of a screen, there are high chances to develop type 2 diabetes.

Study shows that adults who watched more than 2 hours of television each day ate more, drank more soft drinks, consumed junk food, and gulped high-fat products than those who watched less TV.

Nowadays, there are many ways to spend even more screentime: smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart TV, etc.

Here I wrote a detailed article — How the Smartphone Is Destroying You From Inside.

Skipping breakfast

The proverb “you must eat your breakfast like a king” is not without value. Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day.

You badly damage your metabolism and energy reserves if you skip a proper one. A healthy breakfast with a decent balance of protein, carbs, proteins, and fats is imperative to start your day.

It’s like you are going on a long road trip, but you first have to fill the vehicle’s gas tank. A healthy breakfast is like fuel for your body. Every morning, you have to fill your tank to have a more productive day.

Not getting enough sleep

You are not getting enough productivity; in fact, you are losing your mental and physical health by staying awake late at night.

A healthy adult needs 7-8 hours of quality sleep each day. Please read this article to understand the importance of sleep and why it’s a bad habit of getting enough sleep — Sleep Science, How to Sleep Productively.

Sleep deprivation can lead to severe mental health problems. Research also shows that you will feel lazy and tired if you are sleep deprived the next day, affecting your productivity.

Empty promises

It’s really frustrating when someone makes a promise then never follows through. You are damaging your credibility in the long run.

I always say that promise breakers are addicted to attention, or maybe they want to feel good at the moment. Next time you make a promise, make sure you give 100% to deliver the results or simply don’t make a promise.

Too many supplements

Undoubtedly, most of the food available today lacks rich supplements. Therefore, the physician always recommends taking supplements. Always make sure not to take more than recommended.

Always ask your doctor before you buy that big bottle from Costco.

You might develop hypervitaminosis or vitamin toxicity by taking more than your body need.

Hypervitaminosis might be a short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) problem depends how long you are taking the vitamins.

Acute toxicity occurs when a significant amount of vitamin is consumed quickly, such as a few hours or days.

Always read the label and consult your physician before taking any type of supplement.

Tip: Stay away from fake fitness gurus.

Bottom line

These are the top 6 habits you can work on to quit in the next few weeks. I can understand that quitting or changing a bad habit takes time. No one is coming to help you; you have to step up.

Start quitting one bad habit; then after some time, you will discover that it’s absolutely fine to live without that toxic habit.

Here is more practical advice on building an atomic habit and breaking the bad ones.

Thank you for reading!

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