6 Foods and Drinks I Avoid Before Bedtime

First shameless promo — I am all about finding healthy and sustainable ways to live a more productive and meaningful life. Therefore, I have completed 18 30-day challenges to build sustainable habits so far. Here is the plugin if you would like to read any of my challenges.

I am a huge advocate of quality sleep. When I say quality, I mean to say absolute eyes shut for 7–8 hours without any disturbance.

When you go to bed, make sure to remember two things.

  • don’t go to bed empty stomach
  • don’t go to bed full stomach

The above statements contradict. Let me emphasize both — when you go to bed empty stomach, that can activate cortisol, the stress hormone.

When your body does not have enough food supply, your brain activates the stress hormone.

Therefore, I always say everything in moderation is perfect. Now you know what grandmothers used to say. Don’t go to bed empty stomach.

It’s necessary to go to bed having some food in the belly, but the following 6 foods are absolutely prohibited. If you take the following 6 foods before bedtime, they can disturb your sleep.

Let’s dive in…


I consume coffee to get instant energy. Coffee is actually one of the best drinks you can incorporate into your diet to boost your gut and liver health.

However, I highly recommend not consuming coffee for at least 4–5 hours before bedtime.

Studies show that consuming coffee many hours before sleep can still disrupt quality sleep.

Many people think that coffee simply means a cup of coffee poured, especially from your favorite Keurig.

Here are some of my favorite foods that contain caffeine. I do not use anyone of them for at least 4–6 hours before bedtime.

  • Chocolate (I highly recommend this 78% Cocoa by Lindt)
  • Black tea and/or green tea
  • Energy drinks
  • I don’t even consume decaf.

Spicy foods

I love spicy foods. I grew up in a small remote village where cooking with more spices is just absolutely necessary.

I also highly recommend not consuming spicy foods if you suffer from heartburn, acid reflux, or a bad belly each morning.

Many studies show that spicy foods are the main reason to get acid reflux.

You may know that eating spicy foods can cause to increase your body temperature, which is not good for having a night of quality sleep.

I personally do not consume spicy foods before bedtime because I feel my body temp increase after eating spicy stuff.

Soda and alcohol

I used to drink a lot of Cola and Pepsi products when I used to go to the clubs. But in my early 30s, I am focusing more on my health.

And you know that drinking soda and/or alcohol give us energy that’s not ideal for bedtime.

Alcohol is one of the most common drinks to take before bedtime. That helps to sleep but always in moderation.

However, study shows that alcohol undoubtedly helps you to sleep within no time, but it can also cause to give you a night of quality sleep.

Fatty foods

When I say fatty foods, I am primarily talking about deep-fried foods or fast food products.

I don’t consume fast food more than once a week or even a month. I love KFC chicken, but it’s not a great way to live a healthy life by consuming it every day.

Simply fast foods or deep-fried foods are high in saturated fats that can disrupt your sleep.

Many studies show that deep-fried foods are directly related to a lack of quality sleep.

On the other side, fatty foods are bad for your overall health. Believe me. Prioritize your sleep! Sleep is one of the most important ingredients to live a healthy life.

Huge meal

It’s a big no-no. You know that to digest food, we need energy. Eating a big meal right before bedtime is not ideal.

I don’t recommend eating big meals at all. A balanced meal throughout the day is way more healthy.

Too much sugary stuff

It’s kind of related to the previous (soda and alcohol) stuff. But consuming high-sugar stuff (chocolates, cookies, candies, etc.) is not good for having a quality sleep.

Sugar stuff increases our blood sugar levels. Here is a study that shows us that people who consumed more sugar were more likely to have insomnia.

Just avoid any high-sugar diet right before bedtime.

The bottom line

Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. — Thomas Dekker

To sum up, I highly recommend avoiding the above-mentioned foods right before bedtime. If you are having long-term sleep issues, please see your doctor.

Many studies show that consuming coffee, candies, chocolates, or deep-fried foods is linked to poor sleep.

Eat in moderation.

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