5 Things Will Happen When You Do Planks Every Day

Let’s do a full-body drill.

I believe in building tiny sustainable healthy, and productive habits. This year I have completed 15 30-day challenges. Here is the complete list if you would like to read further.

In February, I completed a 35-day 2-minute plank challenge, and now it’s just a part of my daily routine. Today, I am going to share the benefits I have been seeing since I started this challenge.

These are the plank results after 3 months. I wasn’t consistent with the plank routine at the beginning of March but now I do it at least 4 times a week.

Why a 2-minute plank?

I fall in love with the following quote, and it helps me to boost my productivity. Based on the quote, I prefer to do things right away if it takes two or less than two minutes to complete. Here is the quote:

If you see something that needs doing, and it can be completed within two minutes, do it immediately. — Osei Bismark

Strengthen your back

It greatly reduces the risk of back injury in the long term. I am an active guy in daily life, especially in summer, do long hikes, and also love to go for long walks and/or runs. I saw a significant difference in my stamina while hiking. I believe credit goes to the plank exercise that helps me to pick a big hiking bag without any back pain.

I believe that when a plank is done correctly; it will build your back muscles without putting too much strain on your hips and spine.

As a consequence, it relieves back discomfort while also promoting good posture while walking.


Planks engage every major core muscle, which is why they are so effective to build your core. A plank will target all of your obliques and abdomen.

Furthermore, as you improve your planks, you will become more strong while doing other exercises. I saw a significant boost in my stamina while hiking.

If you like to go to the gym, you’ll notice a significant gain in strength especially doing squats and deadlifts.

I did not see a significant difference in abs and I believe you don’t need 6-pack abs to look sexy.

If you really want abs, planks alone will not give you 6-pack abs, you probably need a strict diet.

The plank exercise is also a great exercise for the glutes.

The best part about plank exercise

Plank is of the best exercises to strengthen your core. The best part is you do not need anything to escape your body weight.

Boost your metabolism

Plank is a compound exercise because it engages your quads, abs, and glutes. As a result, it helps to burn more calories and build muscles.

You’ll be burning a lot more calories at the same time than you would with conventional abdominal workouts like crunches or sit-ups.

We all know that more muscle mass means a better metabolic rate. Muscle increases your metabolism rate and burns more calories than fat while at rest.

Estimates suggest that every pound of muscle burns roughly 6 calories per day at rest. Dr. Church

That’s near 3x the number of calories burned by a pound of fat, which burns about two calories every day.

Improve your balance

Did you ever try to stand on one leg but found it difficult to remain straight for more than a couple of seconds?

I highly recommend doing this 30-day plank challenge to build your core strength. In the end, it will help to boost your balance.

Many studies show that doing planks can improve your balance and posture.

Mental health

Study shows that plank train your brain to effectively use core muscles.

A plank will make you shudder if your core is weak. This is not due to a weak strength, but rather to your nerves’ inability to sustain a contraction.

Planking, for starters, stretches muscle areas that impact stress and tension in the body.

When you sit or stand all day, your muscles tighten and tension accumulates in your shoulders, causing you to hunch forward during the day. These kinds of situations strain the muscles and nerves.

Plank, strengthen your willpower and boosts your stamina. Try it. Be healthy, be strong and be happy. — Miss Joshi

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