5 Benefits of Regular Squats Routine

Increase your strength, mobility, posture, and …

Squats are known as the big 3 compound exercises: deadlifts, squats, and bench presses. I think the bench press is debatable.

If you’ve ever been to the gym, you’ll know that squats are a staple of practically any trainer’s workout routine. I used to perform squats at the gym, but not on a regular basis.

I started to do at least 20 squats daily back in February. I also wrote a detailed story. Here is the link if you would like to explore my squats journey.

After walking 5miles (8km) or 10000 steps, I do some stretching, and most of the time, at least 20–35 squats in one set. Since the 30 -day challenge, squats have been just a part of my daily exercise. I am also doing 10000 steps each day.

By the way, I do basic bodyweight squats. There are several variations to doing squats; however, I highly recommend starting with the basics. Let’s start with the top 5 benefits of squats without wasting your time.

#5 Burn more calories

As I said, I do the squats exercise after the long walk which helps me to stretch and burn more calories.

I have been doing squats regularly for the past couple of months; in one set, I can do 30+ bodyweight squats. According to fitness trainers, an average person can do 25 squats in 60 seconds.

How many calories do you burn by doing bodyweight squats?

An average person can burn 8 calories in 60 seconds by merely doing squats which are roughly 0.32 calories per squat.

If you want to lose that extra weight, do more squats. The best part is you can do the squats anytime, anywhere.

#4 Improve mobility

Bodyweight squats are an excellent approach to improving hip movement, which will help minimize lower back injury. It’s a safe and effective approach to increasing mobility without strain on the joints.

#3 Strengthen your core

Strong core muscles can help you do daily tasks such as turning, bending, and even standing, which is excellent for your posture.

A strong core will also enhance your balance, relieve low back distress, and simplify maintaining excellent posture.

#2 Improve your posture

Research shows that squats stimulate the erector spine 4X more than planks.

Squats can also help improve posture. Aside from the upper body, the squat practically strengthens every muscle. After exercising squats for about two months, I noticed my back is more muscular.

#1 Increase overall strength

Squats will not only shape your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, but they will also improve your balance, mobility, and strength.

The best part is that you don’t even need to go to the gym to do squats.

I also wrote a detailed story on my journey doing the squat 30-day challenge. I compiled all the 30-day challenges in this story if you would like to read them.

Thank you for reading; follow me, and clap a couple of times.

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