4 Micro Habits You Need To Stay Healthy

First, learn to take baby steps!

Several studies show that taking baby steps is fundamental to achieving anything in life. Breaking down an ambitious goal into tiny parts is more likely to be achievable.

I have been trying to drink 3–4 liters of water daily for the past couple of years. I failed multiple times because I focused on 365 days goal, which is massive in his form.

In January, I started to focus on one day at a time. For the past 4–6 weeks, I regularly drink 3–4 liters of water. It’s becoming a habit by all taking small steps.

Here I will share the top 4 micro habits to take care of your physical health.

Let’s dive in!

1- Importance of water

Don’t underestimate the positive effects of water on your body. Water helps to start our system and flush the toxic from the body. You can easily develop this by incorporating an extra glass of water with each meal.

Maybe drink a tall glass of water as soon as you wake to give an extra push to your internal system to take off. Water has super important duties, for example:

  • to normalize the blood pressure
  • easing joints
  • to prevent constipation
  • to help the digestive system
  • To control body temp
  • Helping to carry oxygen
  • To maintain electrolyte
  • Flushing toxin from liver and kidneys
  • To help stabilize the heartbeat
  • . . .

2- Sitting all day is detrimental to health

Sitting in a chair all day may be harmful to both your physical health and mental health. Make a habit of getting up for a minute or taking a long stand-up break every hour.

Maybe go for a short walk on the lawn or around the block. If you work all day sitting on the computer like me, maybe it’s the right time to invest in a stand-up electric desk (affiliate link).

3- Dark leafy greens

It doesn’t have to be junk if you consume a lot of fast food, especially at lunchtime. There are plenty of healthy solutions available. Check out the post below to learn how to incorporate nutritious dark leafy veggies into your diet to improve your mental health.

4- Stretching to move better in life

Stretching has huge benefits on physical health. Research shows that stretching makes every movement super easy. Here is my philosophy of stretching — stretch all day, every day!

I stretch every day after a run, hike, or even a short walk around the block. You can simply stand up during long work hours and start stretching. Maybe this story helps you to do the basic stretches.

Here are a few benefits of stretching:

  • Decrease your injury risk
  • Improve body flexibility
  • Improve performance in other physical activities
  • Help muscles to work effectively
  • Improve overall strength
  • . . .

Make stretching an important part of your daily life. If you cannot go to the gym, run, walk, do the basic stretching exercises. You can check this story for basic stretching exercises or simply go on youtube and search basic stretching routines. Stretching improves flexibility and also has several other health benefits.

Bottom line

In summary, prioritize your physical health by incorporating the tiny changes instead of focusing on bigger goals.

Do not think about the end goal; focus on the small plan. It’s impossible to achieve results without taking the first step.

Make sure to develop a micro-habit by repetitively doing things before establishing a big goal. Research shows that it’s always helpful when you’re in a groove; it’s easy to stack another habit on top of the tiny -one. It’s like creating a snowball effect.

Focus on adding bite-sized plans that add up to make a massive difference in the long run.

Thank you for reading; follow me and clap a couple of times. Thanks

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