4 Micro-Habits Everyone Needs for a Better Mental Health

Everyone loves to boost physical health by making tiny changes like taking stairs instead of the elevator, eating more vegetables, etc.

Its also true that not everyone prioritizes their mental health. Most people still think that mental health means having a mental illness. According to World Health Organization (WHO) mental health means:

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. — WHO

Here I am sharing the top 4 micro-habits to have great mental health.

Get a good night sleep

Don’t overlook the significance of sleep. Research shows that how much sleep you need also depends on your DNA. Adults need at least 7–8 hours of sleep every night.

Most of the day, I get quality sleep for max 6 hours. For example, I sleep max 6–7 hours a day and my partner 8–9hours. I tried to sleep more than 7 hours, but I felt lazy all day and disturbed my back.

Find out your optimal sleep time. If you’re having difficulties sleeping at night, manage the problem so you can fall asleep quickly and make the most of your sleep time.

4 Weeks sleep habit

Find your required sleep hours by going to bed simultaneously every night for at least 4 weeks. Start with the 7–8 hours per night, then see how you feel all day.


You do not have to spend time in the mountains. However, that will be the best if you can. Even a short walk in the park can help your brain produce more serotonin, which improves your mood.

Simply parking farther away the next time you go grocery shopping is a straightforward method to boost your mental health.

Friends and family

We require social interaction from the moment we are born. Research shows that a social connection can help to reduce depression. It also shows that social connection is one of the vital components to keep your mental health at best.

I would prefer to stay in a social circle and meet in person. The social connection does not mean you have to arrange a huge party. You could share your thoughts with a friend even on the Zoom call if you got stuck amid a pandemic.

Make it a habit to visit your parents or family every weekend to boost your mental health.

Eat healthily and watch what you drink

Eating well is beneficial to your physical health, and data shows that it also benefits your mental health. Choosing the right foods more frequently, eating a nutritious breakfast, and eating regular meals might help you maintain a consistent energy level.

These are brain-healthy foods: nuts, fish, fruits, and vegetables.

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, matcha, black tea, and green tea can all harm your mental health. Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it offers you a boost of energy for a short period, but it may also make you uneasy, irritated, or restless.

Caffeinated beverages should be avoided at least 4-hours before bedtime to have quality sleep. It will help you sleep better by reducing the impact of these chemicals on your sleep patterns.

Water helps to replenish brain cells to fight fatigue. Make sure you are drinking 3–4 liters of water each day (affiliate link).

Thank you for reading; follow me and clap a couple of times.

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