I Followed Tim Ferriss’ Daily Routine for 35 Days

If you win the morning, you win the day. — Tim Ferriss

If you don’t know the gentleman, he wrote these books: The 4-Hour Work Week, Five Minute Journal, Tools of Titans (source of this article), Tribe of Mentors, 4-Hour Chef, 4-Hour Body, etc.

To learn and implement from the most accomplished people in life is part of my 30-day challenge to build healthy, productive, and sustainable habits. I have completed 17+ 30-day challenges, including Tim’s, this year.

If you apply Tim’s step-by-step routine, you will see results in one or all of the following four ways.

  • productivity increased
  • healthy habit of drinking tea
  • Energy-boosted, pretty much all day
  • The most important, focus improved (my mission was to increase focus and get a couple of things done first thing in the morning)

How to follow any routine, and, most importantly, why 30-day challenges?

The 30-day challenges are really powerful. Instead of achieving the massive goal, I try to break it into tiny parts, usually 30-day challenges. If I don’t like the challenge in 30 days, there is a high probability I won’t do it in the long run.

I use the productivity tool Notion (it’s free) to organize my life. If you don’t like to use the Notion tool, I highly recommend creating an excel sheet.

You can take a print to put on the wall or simply use it online. Here is a complete article to get more insights — my list of 30-day challenges.

What can Tim’s daily ritual do to your body and mind?

  • Boost your energy level
  • Improve your focus
  • Boost your productivity
  • Make you feel better/accomplished day by day.

Here is Tim’s morning ritual step-by-step

I customized the routine (a little bit) according to my plan, as he did not consume lemon water first thing in the morning; I added lukewarm lemon water.

Here we go. (Just read these steps once; I oversimplified the steps for the sake of learning.

  1. Wake up one hour earlier than screen time (computer work), and I mean absolutely no screen for one hour in the morning.
  2. Drink a tall glass of water (I customized it a bit and added fresh lemon)
  3. Make tea; Tim Ferriss likes this tea; I’m sure it’s available at every corner store. I ordered over Amazon, but it’s pretty fast delivery in my area.
  4. Sit down with a cup of tea, a pen, and paper.
  5. Write 3–5 things that are making you the most uncomfortable.
  6. Here is the powerful question, for each item (step#5), ask yourself if this is the only thing I accomplished today.
    a. Would I be happy if I only accomplished this task today?
    b. Will this priority make all the other to-dos unimportant or easier to tackle later?
    c. Anecdote: I used the “a” and “b” all the time in my full-time job, especially the b on prioritizing work.
  7. Now, just look at the ONE item you selected in the previous step.
  8. Block out 2–3 hours to work on that particular task! That’s it
    a. Here is a bit hack I implemented to boost focus. I used this physical timer like the kitchen timer or the Pomodoro method. I started to work in 25 minutes intervals followed by 5 minutes break. My attention span has increased. Therefore, I use 51 minutes timer followed by 10 minutes break.
  9. I literally turned off my phone and absolutely no social media, even before trying this new morning routine by Tim.
  10. Tim says, after all, we are humans; therefore if you get distracted, don’t freak out — just gently come back to your ONE to-do thing.
    a. Hack — when I get distracted, I do anyone of them based on how much time I have.

key takeaways (summary)

  • The routine lowered my stress, and it’s obvious that you will be a bit relaxed when you are done with the most challenging task of the day.
  • I never had this tea (Pu-erh black tea). Maybe it was the tea or my long walks that helped to boost my energy level.
  • I highly recommend trying this routine if you are unfocused, procrastinating, and feel less intentional.


What we fear doing most is usually what we need to do. — Tim Ferriss

If you keep looking for a miracle to change your life or mornings, it’s not going to happen. There is a possibility Tim’s morning routine would not work for you.

All you have to do is take the first step!

Seth Godin ( a great blogger) always says to believe in the process and not be result-oriented. Efforts are way more important than results. You may not get the desired results, but I am sure you will be in a way better mental state than never trying.

I simply wanted to improve my focus and am always knowledge hungry to learn more from highly accomplished people like Tim Ferris.

Article source: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris


I highly recommend reading these books by Tim (Tools of Titans and Tribe of Mentors); there are many practical tips from highly accomplished people to boost your life.

Keep optimizing your life to live your fullest.

Tim Ferriss’ Supplements

What He Takes Exactly & WhySupplement Name – Optimize your health journey
Sleep Supplements
Preferred to take 30 – 60 minutes before bedtime.
Magnesium L-Threonate –> 144 mg
Apigenin –> 50 mg
L-Theanine –> 200 mg
Supplements for Brain Performance
Creatine –> low dose (1 – 2 grams) taken daily
Ubiquinol –> taken daily with creatine for cognitive benefits
Lion’s Mane Mushroom –> taken occasionally
Lithium Orotate –> 5 mg dose, periodically
MCT Oil –> used strategically rather than daily
Anti-inflammatory Supplements
Turmeric / Curcumin – taken in “Titantium Tea”
Fish Oil –> taken regularly for many years
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) –> to support immune function
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) –> for treating injuries
Athletic Greens –> as “nutritional insurance”
Physical Performance + Recovery Supplements
Collagen Protein –>for joint health and workout recovery
Branched-Chain Amino Acids –> to enhance muscle building & recovery
L-Glutamine –> for gut health and muscle recovery
Zinc & Magnesium –> for exercise recovery
Immune Support Supplements
L-Lysine –> to combat viral infections and cold sores
Apple Cider Vinegar – to support immune function
Medicinal Mushrooms – to enhance immune function
Tim Ferris Supplements to enhance health

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