6 Pillars of the Perfect Morning

Everyone loves to start the day with a beautiful morning. I love to have some kind of morning ritual. Here are my top 6 pillars to have a perfect morning.

1-Waking up early
To wake up early is simple; you just have to go to bed early. I used to go to bed at 2 am then wake up lazy all day. I function perfectly fine when I have a quality sleep between 6 and 7 hours. If I sleep more than 7 hours, I start feeling back pain and feel lethargic all day.

All you have to incorporate a tiny habit in your daily routine, start to go to bed before 12 am. A couple of years ago, I promised to go to bed max at 12 am. It was hard at the beginning. But now it’s working like magic. Try to go to bed early; therefore, you can enjoy the early mornings.

Always make your bed before you even go to the washroom. I picked this habit if something can be done in less than 2 minutes, just do it right away.

Every morning is a beautiful morning.

— Terri Guillemets

It will be super easy to wake up early when your body gets used to it. Start to go to bed before 12 am each night.

2- Dress and shower
It’s so natural that almost everyone has more energy after a shower. After the shower, get into your dress of the day, even if you are working from home; I don’t recommend pajamas to wear all day. You need to get dressed to signal your brain to get into the work routine. Sleep is done!

3- Stay hydrated
This is one of the best habits if built long ago; as soon as I’m done with the shower, brush, etc., I chug a tall glass of water at room temperature, and sometimes I squeeze fresh lemon. Water is important, even if you miss the lemon part.

4- Meditate
You don’t need to be a yoga guru to start a long meditation habit. Sit calmly for 5–10 minutes to build a habit. Just relax, don’t worry about anything but focus on calming down your brain.

Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

— James Allen

5- Exercise or some kind of movement
I take my dog for a walk every morning; then, after the walk, I do stretching, which is really good for muscles to keep them flexible, strong, and healthy. Morning walk also helps to pump more blood to the brain. A connection with nature is also great for your mental health.

6- Food
Breakfast is the heaviest meal of the day I consume. Try to stick with fresh food and get rid of processed if you can. Most of the time, I go with a cup of oats. I am a huge fan of egg whites from Costco, most of the time, I go with one-cup egg whites. Always try to add some kind of fresh fruits to your breakfast.

There is no magic to have a productive morning routine. We all know this stuff; it’s just a reminder to incorporate into your daily routine. Everything is a bit odd initially; you can customize it as you want. It will help us to build healthy habits.

Pro tip: Start it right now!

Thank you for reading!

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