I Did 20 Sit-Ups Daily for 35 Days

It is easy to sit up and take notice; what is difficult is getting up and taking action. Honore de Balzac

Sit up is the classic body exercise which simply means lying on your back in comfortable clothes and lifting your torso.

Sit-ups target your core abdominal muscles.

4-basic exercises to start your fitness journey

Here are all the 4 basic body exercises you need to start as a beginner. I have done all of my 30-Day challenges except pull-ups. I am doing pull-ups 30+ day challenge, but it’s a tough one.

Equipment: YOUR BODY

#1 Squats

#2 Push-ups

#3 Pull-ups

#4 Sit-ups

What are the recommended muscle strength activities according to the Department of Health?

  • Only 23% of Americans hit the minimum weekly exercise requirements.
  • Experts say that at least 150 minutes of activity or 75 minutes of intense exercise is required per week to live a healthy life.
  • To begin, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the ground.
  • Try to keep your legs at a 90-degree angle.
  • Place your hands at the sides of your head, elbows bent and pointed out to the sides.
  • You can also cross your arms over your chest if you prefer.
  • Lift your torso as close to your thighs as you can.
  • The entire lower back should be lifted off the ground.
  • Lower yourself gradually back to the ground and repeat.
  • That’s it!

What can sit-ups do to your body?

Sit-ups are really famous as the most basic exercise, often recommended by your trainer. You can do sit-ups pretty much anywhere. All you need is your body and a plain surface.

Here are a couple of proven reasons to incorporate sit-ups in your training routine.

  • The core is super important to reduce the risk of back injuries. Therefore, sit-ups are one of the best exercises to strengthen your body.
  • Sit-ups build muscle strength.
  • According to this research people older women who added sit-ups to their exercise regime were less likely to have sarcopenia (low muscle mass and poor physical function)
  • Sit-ups can help to improve posture.
  • Sit-ups enhance your core strength means better balance and stability.
  • Boost athletic performance
  • According to this study, sit-ups can have positive effects on your academic accomplishments.

Did I see sit-up results after 35 days?

If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you want this challenge to see visible abs after 30 days, that’s not going to happen.

I have been in the fitness world for years to know enough that abs are made in the kitchen. Exercises are just the cherry on the pie.

After doing this 30+ days challenge (without missing a day), I agree that sit-ups can help your abdominals and overall physique (core strength).

I am a pretty active guy who loves to spend time outdoors (hiking, running, and long walks). I don’t have much body fat. Therefore I cannot say that sit-ups helped me to see the super-toned core.

As I said earlier, I did not see massive results in my abs, but I would say that sit-ups can help to achieve your abs goal.

It helped to burn calories, but I still prefer to go for a long walk, swim, or hike.

By the way, my back and abs were in real pain for the first 1–2 weeks.

I started to do 5–7 sit-ups a day, then gradually increased my sit-ups (20 per day in 2nd week) as I increased my core strength.

Tip: Being an active guy, I must say if you are looking to lose weight, pay attention to 90% on a diet, and the exercise is merely 10% game.

What is good sit-up strength?

A regular person like me should be able to perform 20–30 sit-ups per minute.

A fit person or athlete can do more than 50–60 per minute.

The bottom line

don’t count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count. — Muhammad Ali

Sit-ups are a part of basic body exercise that can be performed anywhere; you don’t need a fancy gym membership.

You might not see a massive difference in your strength or abs in only 30 days, but it will help to boost your confidence.

You will feel that you have improved your posture.

Keep moving your body!

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